Monday, July 7, 2014

July 6, 2014


Went to church. Made lunch at home, then took the younger kids to Ida's to swim. Rita and her siblings joined us. It was me, Joe, Rita, Zahara, RJ, Ian, Ariel, Tommy, and Charlie. We swam for two hours. 

When I got home, I couldn't find my phone. I couldn't call Ida to see if it was there because no one else had Ida's phone number, except Tom, and he was working so I couldn't ask him. He worked with Fran today, doing floors. Anyway, I drove back to Ida's house but couldn't get in. The gate was closed and her dogs were out. If I were to open the gate, the dogs would surely get out. So I went back home. 

I picked up a few things before going to church. Ida was at church too. She called her son, who found my phone. Ida drove and met him half way so now I have my phone back. Woo!!

Nina had her gig at Sunset Pier today. When they got back, the boys got ready to play hockey at the park. That's when I left for church. Rob came up for hockey too.

When I got home I scrambled to make supper. I was fairly limited since I hadn't made a big trip to the grocery store since we got home from our trip. I made, all vegan, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, and a salad. It was a good supper. 

Shortly after 9 PM, Rob went home and Ed, Ben, Joe, and I went to Boondocks to listen to a band. The kids friend, Phil, was playing the drums. We wanted to go earlier but had commitments. I only heard 2 1/2 songs and then they were done. They quit 10 minutes early. Stinks for me. 

Home again. Tom got home from work about 11. Got Garrett washing dishes and went to bed.

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