Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 22, 2014


Ed, Nina, and TJ played at Blue Heaven this morning. I took Charlie to fiddle camp, then worked on school stuff for the next school year. I did math with Tommy and Garrett and all of Charlie's schoolwork with him.

I went over to the weaving studio and worked two hours. The boys all went to the park to play hockey. I came home and made cornbread, curried carrot soup, and a salad. I took a quick trip to Winn Dixie and bought two seedless watermelons and steak for our friend, Rob, who just got back from a trip.

When I got home I cut up the watermelons and cut up an onion and mushrooms for Rob's steak, finished cooking, and ate.

Most of the kids went to church to do I don't know what. Some went to Sugarloaf to play manhunt. I did dishes forever. It was late, too late. 

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