Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013


Kurt needed a ride to Baby's Coffee this morning. He went to the bus stop, but the buses weren't running because there was a runners' race on the 7 Mile Bridge and the bridge was closed for 3 hours this morning.

I took a quick ride to Salvation Army with Ed and Nina. We are waiting on a bed for the girls'/guest/music room. It wasn't in yet. Then we stopped at Bealls. I wanted to buy more fans. It was 86 and humid today but they didn't have any fans.

Today I couldn't get out of the kitchen no matter how hard I tried, other than an occasional stop in the laundry room. I wanted to clean my room and bathroom but it never happened. Tom spilled a cup of tea on our bed last night so I needed to wash the bedding. Ben asked me to wash his tractor quilt also, and I had to wash a peed in bed.

I had to make myself eat oatmeal with a chopped up pear in it. I love pears but I did not want to eat the oatmeal. I wanted to eat cookies and drink coffee, but since we had no cookies I just ate the oatmeal.

I made Ginger Butternut squash soup, Coconut Blackbeans, brown rice, and a salad, but it took me all day. TJ and Angelica invited me down for lunch. That was about 4ish. It was a salad with lentils, peppers, and red onions. It was great! it was also great taking a break and hanging out in their air-conditioned apartment.

At 7 PM the boys, including Rob and Jaden, went to the park to play hockey. Angelica, Jaden's mom Brenda, and I went to Kim's house. Kim fed us super yummy apple crisp and we visited. I sewed the binding on the neck of Callie's crab dress. It's almost done. It just needs buttons and buttonholes. I don't like making buttonholes.

When we got home from Kim's I made the salad. Nina's parents were over and they brought pizza, so there was plenty of food. There were 10 Doerfels, Rob, Shannon. And 7 Newtons.

I cleaned up the kitchen about midnight when they left, took a shower, and went to bed.

I'm taking tomorrow off. No cooking. No laundry. Maybe practice flute, spin, or read. Or all three. :0)

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