Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

Another slow morning for me. Breakfast and school. The big kids were back to the studio with Anthony working on their new CD.

Tommy read out loud while I washed and Garrett dried dishes. We had a good day of school. Two dresses I ordered came in the mail today. I haven't tried them on yet. I hope they look good on me. I plan on doing beadwork on one of them.

At 3 PM Garrett made chocolate chip cookies to take to the Sunschoolers Talent Show tonight. The boys wanted to eat and feed Anthony so I needed to get busy. I cut up a lot of broccoli and steamed it. I made a huge salad. Charlie husked corn on the cob, and I made Chipotle & Lime Hummus. It was a yummy meal.

TJ and Ang had a gig at Blue Heaven so I watched Jake and Callie. Right after TJ left, we got in the van for the talent show. Kurt and Garrett helped out with lights and audio. Joe ran the sound. Ed and Nina recorded the event to make DVDs for everyone, and they all helped me watch Jake and Callie.

Charlie was in a skit with friends. It was so cool. The kids had written it themselves. Tommy played guitar accompanied by Ben. There was a little ballerina, some piano players, singers, another skit. It was very fun. Afterwards there were desserts and the kids had a blast running around with their friends. It really was a lot of fun.

When we got home, Callie and Jake took a bath. I mended Rob's jeans but I think they are on their last leg. He needs to buy a new pair. I asked for volunteers for dishes but didn't get one. Imagine that. :0)

I didn't want to stay up too late. Tomorrow is breakfast at Blue Heaven while some of the kids play. I can't wait!

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