Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013


I woke up groggy and decided to walk earlier before it got too hot out. 7:45 I was out walking. I had to make a few boys eat their oatmeal and started school. We got a lot of work done. As we were heading out the door for our gig at Salty's poor Callie fell and got a bump on her head, so TJ stayed home a little longer to help with her. Turned out to be a good thing for Tommy, because he didn't get in the van when I told him to and he got left behind. He was able to ride with TJ.

I had fish tacos and pizza. :0) I got to hang out with some home school moms. Yay!! It was a good night out for me and the little boys got to hang with their friends.

An accident happened on the 7-mile bridge which shut it down about 9 o'clock. The band played longer because we couldn't go anywhere. There was a beautiful breeze and it was very comfortable outside, after the bugs retired for the night.

Shortly after midnight the bridge opened up and we got on the road. We will find out tomorrow what happened. After we got home we found out that someone had broken down on the bridge and now there was another slow down.

Once home, I moved the laundry along, folded towels, gave them some broth without any bread, and whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

Wait, that's not me. I'm confusing myself with the old woman who lived in a shoe. I wonder, How many shoes are in our doorway when I walk into the house? It's like a contest where you guess how many jellybeans are in a jar. This is way more practical.

Home school math- If every Doerfel wears a pair of socks everyday for a week, how many socks are in the laundry? I don't want to know, that would be depressing. Thank God for sandals and flip flops. :0)

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