Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013

I woke up early, 7ish, but I sure was slow. I tried to make myself walk but couldn't do it. Instead, I made pancakes for everyone. We didn't pick chores because the older boys wanted to get to the studio. I told them we'd do it later. Joe picked up the living room and poor Nina got dishes and there were a lot!

We did a little school work and left for gym class. Angelica and Joe came with us. I dropped them off at Fisherman's Hospital so they could talk to people about Joe getting medicaid. It didn't take them long and they joined us at the park.

It was fun hanging out with the home school moms. I really like going and the kids have a great time. After gym class, Charlie practiced a skit with friends that he is doing at the home school talent show on Thursday. That was fun too. The kids wrote it themselves and it was super good. We drove home and the water was super pretty, sparkling in the sun.

Last night I had a secret plan in my head to go to the beach this morning by myself. I was going to go to Walgreens and buy a beach umbrella and a chair. And I wanted to bring cucumbers and watermelon, but I would have had to be home by noon to go to gym class, so I will have to save it for another day.

Back home, we ate split pea soup, leftover spaghetti, and peppers for lunch. we did some more school work. TJ and Ed picked up produce for me. Ed's new electric mandolin broke so he was sad, but he called the maker and he told him how to fix it. Tom is going to help him. I laid down for about 20 minutes and then started supper. I used up 4 eggplant in our supper with rice and chickpeas, spices, and a salad.

The boys played roller hockey at the park. Angelica and Callie came up for a little bit. Rob came up for hockey too. He brought banana bread and ice cream.

We ate. Supper is at 9:00 here. We had dessert, and the boys watched the Sabres game. I crocheted and decided to have Tommy and Garrett take care of the dishes. Time to call it a night.

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