Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

I caught Kurt and Aaron on the porch this morning with an air soft gun. I could hear them shooting through my window. They were trying to be quiet, but not quiet enough for these ears! :0)

I did my devos and went walking. I got to sit on the wicker swing a few minutes with Tom before cracking the whip. We picked chores from the chore hat. While chores were just getting under way, Aaron shot Charlie with an air soft gun in the head, next to his eye. He said he didn't know it was loaded. I tried to explain some gun safety, again. They just don't get it. They are not ready for air soft guns. I will have to get rid of them.

Because of the gun accident, Tom grounded the boys from gym class today. So we had more time to get our school work done.

Tommy and Shannon went to lessons with Doug. I made a salad and some sweet and sour swiss chard. The big boys got ready for their gig at Springers. Doug picked up my produce for me and dropped it off. Then I had to make it fit in the fridge. I hate that part.

I went over to Springers. I was surprised to find so many people there now that it's not season. Charlie sang "Charlie Brown" by himself for the first time. We met some new neighbors at the show that live across the street.

Ben wore Tom's boot from his broken ankle today, because Ben hurt his foot yesterday. I don't even know how. While they were packing up tonight, he closed a lid on a finger. We have had way too many injuries this year.

I walked home. and chatted with a friend on the phone while laying in the hammock. The younger boys took too long getting ready for bed, and the big boys watched a hockey game.

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