Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 5, 2013


This was another slow morning, rainy and cool. I went with Tom to Dick's shop and dropped Tom off to pick up his car. It had a broken belt that the shop fixed and after Tom brought it home I think he fixed a fan. School was a little hard because Charlie was trying to revert back to his bratty self. We had many interruptions but finally finished. I made a trip to Winn-Dixie just to get out of the house and be alone. Then I went to Kim's house and dropped off a dress I bought her. She gave me all her beads. I'm going to put beads on a dress for her. When I got home, I made Cuban beans and rice for supper. I plied and skeined my yarn. I was kind of crabby and went to bed without doing the dishes.

We didn't have a gig today. It was good to have two days off in a row.

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