Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013


This morning Joe was too tired to get up. I let him sleep in and woke up Garrett instead. Garrett and I walked to get his hair cut, and then we walked the mile to Winn-Dixie to buy berries for breakfast. We bought strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. We took one of the dirt roads home. It reminded me a little of the good old days in East Eden, out in the country. But in a few minutes we were back in civilization.

I made oatmeal for Joe, Tommy, Charlie and I, and then an omelette for Garrett and Bobby. The band left at about 12:15 to go practice again. Garrett and tommy did their history and we piled into the GMC to go to gym class.

Tommy's knee was bugging him. He said he hurt it falling out of bed a few days ago. He's on the middle bunk of three story bunk bed. So he didn't participate in PE. It was a gorgeous day, hot in the sun, cool in the shade.

After PE we zipped over to Home Depot for D-Con and bug spray for my plants on the porch. We got home famished. I chopped up salad fixings. The boys ate soup and bread and butter. Last week I got the attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer to grind wheat berries. Now I am waiting for the wheat berries to come in the mail so I can try it out. Then they can eat homemade bread.

Guitar lessons were cancelled. I watched Jake and Callie while TJ and Ang got ready and left for their gig at Springers. We did a little more school work. Charlie finished all of his work but was a punk the whole time.

Callie fell asleep at 6:30. Tom got home from work and we took the younger boys to Springers and left Callie sleeping with Garrett in charge. Jake had a hard time, first wanting pop and he couldn't have any, and then waiting for his French fries to cook. Tom went back to the house and brought Jake's guitar. That helped some. He also brought Callie, who had woken up from her nap. She was fussy and stayed on my lap.

The no-see-ems were horrible. Big spray didn't seem to help at all. We had some pizza and beignets. The gig ended and we went home, to a disaster.

I picked up a bunch of magnetic letters that Jake had played with, and did the dishes. Tommy helped me dry. I put the D-Con in the cupboard where some critter has been nibbling on our food supply. Now I'm trying to decide between the hot tub or shower to wash off the bug spray and sweat and to relieve my itchy bug bites.

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