Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 4, 2013


Two things I forgot to mention from yesterday. TJ and family left on a trip to CA for a week, and last night after church we watched "The Hobbit."

I woke up during the night to a horrible thunderstorm. With all the booms and crashes and lights flashing I had a hard time falling back asleep. There was also a torrential downpour.

We had a great day of school. Charlie was an angel because he wanted to get his iPad and PSP back. I made leek and potato soup and a salad for lunch. It poured quite a bit today.

The band practiced again. When school was over, I started supper; brown rice, and I chopped all the vegetables for stir fry. Ed went to the store for me and bought a few things for me to make Kurt's birthday cake. I baked that and tried making these Oreo peanut butter cup things dipped in chocolate. That was a major fail. I couldn't find good chocolate wafers down here and the ones I bought hardened up all clumpy. So I used chocolate chips and made just one good one for Kurt. I did the birthday stuff while the boys played hockey at the park. Garrett helped me because he didn't have his hockey equipment and couldn't play hockey.

I was tired out by the time they came back. Supper was ready at 9 PM. (We work 2nd shift remember). They started to eat and Tom started loudly complaining about something he didn't like, and then about Joe and his diet. For me, it ruined dinner and Kurt's birthday party. I never even got his cake out of the fridge. The boys all watched hockey. I went to my room and spun some gorgeous, colorful yarn. One of the boys got the cake out. I didn't have any, but I did do the dishes. I hate ending the day on a sour note.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mom, I love your musings of your day(s). I share many of the feelings you write about - and you take me back to when I was raising my daughters by myself and teaching school and a second job. I used to rest on the toilet, but actually some days I was so tired I couldn't get up ... I'm a big fan of your blog, have been reading it daily but just now telling you so. I look forward to many more. I think one day you said something like you were "spent" or had nothing left, and oh boy, I could picture you just beyond that edge moms keep up, and the only place to get to - and fast - is the bed. Tomorrow is another day. Thanks for writing. I feel like I have a new girlfriend, new soulmate. And I only had two kids, you have .... 10? Wow!
