Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013


I slept late today, 9:30. That never happens. I dished out oatmeal and raspberries to the oatmeal eaters. I washed a few big pots leftover from last night's dinner. Tommy was up early and finished all his independent work before I even started school. Charlie finished all his work, and hopefully Garrett finished his work after we left for Sloppy's. I'll find out tomorrow when I correct it.

Joe and I ate pea soup before we left, and I brought my usual salad to eat on the drive. Kim left this morning on a trip with Doug so she wasn't with us, and TJ and Ang drove their car to Sloppy's.

Jake and Callie were so cute during the show. Jake rocked out and played his guitar behind his head, just like uncles Ben and Joe. Callie sang and when some people waved to her she waved back. She put down the mic and clapped. Then the audience clapped and she said thank you on the mic. I wish I had taken video.

After the second set I took Charlie and Tommy for gelato. Then we went back to Sloppy's to finish to show.

Nina, Naomi, Aaron, and Ian came home with us. We stopped at Winn-Dixie and bought Popsicles and ice cream. I, of course, didn't eat any. I'd love to eat a Kilwin's peanut butter cup right now, but alas, I have none. So I will have to go to bed and dream of one.

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