Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013


This morning I did not eat oatmeal. I ate breakfast at church and even had a PopTart.

After church I felt creative, so I pulled all my beading stuff out and started beading a dress for Kim that needs to be done by May 11. Kim dropped in and helped me pick out more beads and then she ordered them for me.

Tom, Tommy, Charlie, their friend Jaden, and I went swimming at a friend's house. It was a very relaxing time and they even fed us! What a treat!

Then we hurried home so the boys could play hockey. Tom forgot his glasses so we had to go back and get them. Rob and Jake came to hockey too. I stayed home, of course, and enjoyed my lazy time beading. I did not cook anything today.

When the boys came home from hockey, they ordered 4 pizzas, and Rob brought in 2 dozen donuts. Thanks Rob!

Diana and Toko came over again. I sat beading all evening. When everyone was finally in bed, (about midnight) I did the dishes and threw in a load of wash. Tom called me into our room to show me a bunch of ants in our closet. I gave him the Windex. TJ just sprayed the whole house yesterday. Then I realized I had to make my bed from washing it yesterday before I could go to bed. I hate it when that happens. Last night we just slept on my "Burgoyne Surrounded" quilt. It was so warm and muggy we didn't need any blankets. It was feeling better outside tonight but inside there was only a slight breeze. Angelica saw fans at Walgreens so tomorrow I must go buy some. We are trying to see how long we can go before turning the air on and doubling our electric bill.

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