Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 19, 2013


We did devos and picked chores from the hat. I did literature and math with Garrett and Tommy and then it was time to leave for our gig at the Navy base. We left at 2:30.

I should have quit school earlier, because I didn't schedule time to make lunch before we left, so we did the unthinkable. We had to feed Joe, and I knew we wouldn't eat till after 6, so we stopped at Wendy's. We ordered 8 cheeseburgers and 5 chicken sandwiches.

We played for the kids. It was super fun. They had a blast. They jumped and danced and sang. At the end the little girls were giving Ben big hugs. Angelica came too with her kids, and all the Newtons too. Ian and Jake sang "In the Jungle." I'm so glad we played there.

There was a meeting right before us in the building, and they gave us a platter of fruit and another of cheese and crackers, and bottled water. It was just what we needed.

Next we headed to Rob's house. Anastasia made us all pizza. The kids watched Sponge Bob. Then the boys watched hockey and the little kids played hide-and-seek. It was good to sit around and relax. Thanks Rob and Anastasia!

TJ and Ang went grocery shopping. The big kids went to Liza's house.we left for home at 10. I went straight to bed when we got home. I was exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. The day at the Navy base really does sound like it was a wonderful day with family and children! I continue to be grateful for your family's musical talents spreading good feelings and camaraderie among people in your audiences. Also, I recently watched a TV program on a music festival in NC in late April named MerleFest. I listened to several of the groups. All I could think of was your amazing talent comparatively speaking, and how the Doerfels, in what ever combinations singing, playing which ever music, with which ever instruments would show more talent and entertain circles around any other group I heard on the documentary. You would have fit in beautifully at this festival showcasing "all kinds of music", but seriously, your talent there would put you on the big MAP as festivals go in NC! Do you ever travel out of state for festivals? We attend a small festival at Jordan Lake house, with 4-5 different music groups appearing for two days ... near Raleigh, but Merlefest is bigger, in Wilkesboro, NC
