Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20, 2013


Last night I dreamt that I bought a horse, a truck, and a horse trailer, all without talking to Tom first. I was nervous about how it was going to go over with Tom. I don't have too many dreams, so it was weird.

I woke up too warm and stiff, made coffee and had some quiet time. Then I started rousing the troops to eat and get ready to leave for Earth Day at Bahia Honda.

The gig went well, but it was super hot. Ang took Jake and Callie to the beach after they sang. I went over too with Charlie.

We came home and showered. The boys watched hockey and I sat in my chair with a fan on me. I spun a little too. This project is in the yellow color way. We had 2 1/2 hours to relax before we went to the next gig.

We took two vehicles to Schooner Wharf. Jim came with us. Liza and her mom were their for a while.i left for home at 11:20 with off and on rain, sometimes downpours. I don't like driving ant night in the rain. Home and bed. Jiggity jig!

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