Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013


All the boys except Charlie went to the car wash this morning. Joe was late so he and I walked to the bank. Then I continued on to Kim's house, 3 miles. She was actually at her weaving studio. We chatted with Alice for a few minutes, and then Kim took me home.

I watched Jake and Callie while TJ and Ang went to Marathon to get their rental car. Alissa was here and she helped me move some plants around on the porch and replant a Midnight Jasmine plant. I'm creating another hangout spot with a hammock and some plants and an umbrella for shade.

We left for Sloppy Joes at 3:30. I was surprised how many people were there. It was full the whole time and they were a fun crowd.

We dropped Kurt and Liza off at her house on our way home. There was an accident in front of Mangrove Mama's. I car pulled out and was hit by a truck pulling a boat trailer. The front of the car was smashed in. It looked way worse and scarier than TJ and Angelica's.. When we went by the car was on the flat bed and they were trying to get the boat.

We stopped atWinn- Dixie for treats. I didn't go in. When we got home I went to bed and Tom talked till 4 AM.

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