Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013


My alarm went off at 8 this morning. I got myself ready to take Joe to his Dr. appt here in Big Pine. I had to wake Joe up 3 times before he finally got up, but we made it to his appt on time because it was barely 5 minutes away.

His blood sugar was normal and I didn't really learn anything new. I was hoping to get a confirmation that his low blood sugar was causing his seizures. His seizures have been a month apart, which if they stay on that timetable he would be due for another one any day now. He has been eating better and not skipping meals. I am soooo hoping he never has another one.

His Dr. Bills from his ambulance ride are around $5000. No insurance. I paid $280 for his appt with the neurosurgeon and $180 today for the family practitioner. Now I have to reschedule an appt for an EEG that will be $350, and take him for bloodwork.

I came home from his appt and made oatmeal and fruit for 3 of us, and made omelettes for Garrett and Bobby again. The Dr. told me today that oatmeal doesn't have enough protein for breakfast. so when we got home we added everything up, the oats, flax seed, wheat germ, and almond milk came to 15 grams. how much should he have? I had a headache but didn't want to take anything. I took a break and drank my coffee and read in my chair.

I watered plants and tried to do school. The boys did their computer work and I went over Tommy's math with him. I almost made it through Charlie's schoolwork but he was acting so bad that he lost his iPad and PSP and computer privileges for the rest of the day. By then I was so grumpy that I sent the kids home from school early. Ha! That just means we didn't finish.

I laid down in my room for a short while and then made oatmeal raisin cookies with applesauce, no eggs, maple syrup, and whole wheat flour. None of the kids like raisins so they are all for me! I did that on purpose. I also had beans simmering today on the stove for tomorrow's menu.

The band practiced around 12:30 and then had worship practice. They came home about 5:30 while I was finishing the cookies. Garrett and Tommy rode their bikes to church. I ate yesterday's leftover salad, and then Charlie and I rode bikes to church. The band went back to church at 6:45 and they did worship tonight. Tom's car broke down and he had to have it towed so he never made it.

After church, a few kids went to Winn Dixie for treats and then we watched The Hobbit. They all went to bed and I had some quiet time in my hammock chair smelling Midnight Jasmine and listening to the wind chimes.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for Joe... and You. Medical bills are unbelievable. I do have Medicare RX insurance so the eye drops pre/post cataract surgery are only $340 instead of $950. Saw in article in consumer's reports on drugs. Singular generic brand (for allergies)w/o insurance priced a 10 different stores ranged at Costco $27 to another store $187. Had no idea there could be that much difference.
