Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31. 2014


I was tired all day and could not shake it. 

Late last night on their way home from Schooner, TJ and Ang stopped at the ER because Ang was in a lot of pain. They said both she and baby were both fine. I think Tom and I got home around 3 am.

I woke the boys up earlier today so we could get more schoolwork done. I started Tommy over again in his math book. Only 1 wrong on the first test. He's off to a good start! 

School, school, and more school. It sure dragged on today. And our fridge was pretty bare, so after school, I went to Winn Dixie. Luckily, there were some boys here when I got back so I didn't have to carry it all up the stairs by myself. I started homemade baked beans on the stove while I put the groceries away. Then I made rice and a giant salad so hopefully I won't have to make salad tomorrow. 

The younger boys and I stayed home from the Hurricane gig tonight. Rob came up and treated us with donuts and he took the kids to the park. They came back and we ate and visited. I did the dishes, put leftovers away, and got ready for bed.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 29, 2014


I woke up around 4 am because it was raining cats and dogs. I had to close windows, and the bookshelf under the windows in the kitchen was getting wet. I had to pull the books off the shelves and spread them out so they could dry. Most of them were ok, but a few the bottom corners were wet. :0(

I overslept again and decided not to walk. Instead I went in the hot tub with Tom and then showered. I made myself pancakes for breakfast. Everyone else had already eaten.  

The boys started school and I put most of the books back on the shelves. I need to take Charlie's iPad away when we go to bed, and hide it, so he doesn't get up and go on it right away. He's not supposed to have it till after his school work is done.

I went over a few math lessons with Garrett, then it was time to get ready for the gig. No time (or lettuce) to make a salad. 

On the way to the gig I read the Omnibus intro to Gilgamesh. Jake came to the gig. He's getting easier to watch at Sloppy's. 

A few of us ordered food from the Cafe on the way home. We dropped off TJ and Jake. I changed Garrett's bandage and went to bed. 

January 30, 2014


I woke up to the sound of rain so I did not go walking. I spent the time reading instead. I really wanted to go out for breakfast, but put it out of my mind and ate oatmeal. 

We did school. Charlie is really taking off. It's fun to hear him reading. Tommy's math is so bad. He is 2/3 of the way thru the book. I'm thinking of starting it over with him.

Garrett went with Jaden to art class in Marathon. Charlie went to a friend's house from 3-5. I did two omnibus lessons and went over math with Tommy. Then Tommy went over to church early to help Terrence get ready for OMY. 

TJ and Ang dropped the kids off so I could play grandma while they went to Schooner Wharf. Ed and Nina went too. Ed was mad about missing OMY but OHWELL. Sorry Ed. I couldn't help myself.  

Tom took Jake, Callie, and Charlie in the hot tub. That's when I got the 2nd Omnibus lesson done. Bob came over at 5:30 an took Charlie to Shannon's house. I was dreading making supper and doing dishes all day, but I finally decided on spaghetti and made it with steamed broccoli and mushrooms.y sweet tooth wouldn't got away, so I made a pineapple coconut banana and fresh mint ice cream. It was pretty good. The kids came back from OMY with some friends. I decided to do the dishes and started that. The kids who weren't there for supper were hungry so I had to make more spaghetti. 

Tom watched hockey and I did the dishes. I read "Farmer Boy" to Charlie. Then we took Jake and Callie home. When TJ and Ang get home, grandpa and I will go home.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 28, 2014


I couldn't sleep last night and didn't fall asleep till after 4 am. :0(  Joe, Ben, and JC were up late playing some hockey video game. After sending a few texts I finally had to go out there and tell them to go to bed. So, I overslept till 9. I didn't get out for my walk till 10:30 and it was a little hot, but not humid, so it was ok. I ran 2 1/2 times around the park. That's the longest I've run so far.

We left for gym class at 12:30. I just needed to vedge so I sat in the car for 45 minutes. I listened to my book and knitted. Then I got out and visited with the other moms. We brought the kids's friend, Jaden, home.

Ben took Garrett to Key West for his doctor appointment. Joe went too, so they could all go to Southernmost Youth afterwards. Jaden ended up going home.  I went to my Tai Chi class. It was my first time back since before Christmas. I was so glad there were other people there. Sometimes I go and I'm the only one. 

I was tired afterward, and a little discouraged. The house was trashed. I didn't want to pick anything up, I didn't want to do dishes, I didn't want to make dinner, and I didn't want to deal with all the cardboard that had piled up by the door, from packages in the mail. Last week I did Garrett's chores, as he was not able yet. But this week I started to wear out. The older boys had been so busy, but it was time for them to start picking up the slack. 

Tom, Rob, and TJ took the younger kids to the park to play hockey. I did another Omnibus lesson, then made pizza dough. I cleared off the table, ordered 7 pizzas for 8:30, and then put together the healthy pizza with no cheese. I made a salad. Shannon went with me to pick up the pizzas. We ate. The boys watched hockey. I put leftovers away. Tommy put dishes away and I told Ben to wash. (He fell asleep on the couch and didn't wash till the next morning). I changed Garrett's bandage and went to bed.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014


I made it out for my walk this morning. I ran 2 times around the park and added 30 more seconds to it. I was able to squeeze in an Omnibus lesson and then did school with Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie. Charlie is starting to take off with his school work. Tommy is doimg horrible at math right now. He is 3/4 of the way through the book. I've  slowed him down to half a lesson a day. TJ  dropped Jake and Callie off for a little while so he could teach a banjo lesson.

I made coconut black beans and a salad for lunch and packed it to eat on the way to our gig. We left at 3:40, 20 minutes late but made it to work on time. Jake went with us to the gig. 

The little boys played on the iPads during the show. After the first set we walked to Duetto's for gelato.i got my favorite, affagato, which is tiramisu gelato with expresso poured over the top.  The kids' friend, JC, was at the show. He took pictures and helped set up and break down. Thanks JC!

Hopefully, we will get home and Garrett will have the dishes done. He has another doctor appointment tomorrow. I don't even want to think about tomorrow and figure out the plan for the day. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014


I woke up early and had some time to myself. Callie woke up first and I made and fed her oatmeal with lots of blueberries.  I snuck in a quick shower, then Jake woke up and I fed him. I woke up Charlie and got him dressed. All the older kids went to church earlier. 

We saw TJ and Angelica at church. They spent more than 30 hours traveling for their gig in CA. They came over after church to move the car seats into their truck and get the kids bags. 

I watered the plants on the porch and relaxed with my feet up knitting, while Tom and Joe watched hockey. The younger boys played video games. After a while Tom and I took a ride to a little spot on the gulf side, but the tide was too high and we could't walk out far. So we stopped at a friend's house and sat out on their dock by the water. It was too early for the sunset, but I just wanted to sit.

When we got home I sat in the kitchen knitting and listening to my book. I had to rip out my sock for the third time. It was still too tight. Now it is finally right. 

When the boys went to hockey I put leftovers in the oven and made chocolate chip cookies. I did the dishes from yesterday and today.  The boys came back and we ate and watched more hockey. Thank goodness for knitting. It gives me something to do during all these hockey games. What I should be doing is finishing some quilts.

I'm annoyed with Aaron. He wore Tommy's new sneakers when he left yesterday morning. Tommy just got them. And twice yesterday evening he took chips from Jake and Charlie. 

I changed Garrett's bandage and got the younger boys ready for bed. I read "Farmer Boy" to Charlie and we went to bed.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

I had some quiet time this morning before Callie woke up. I made her oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries. She ate it all up and then played by herself. I knitted on my sock and drank a cup of coffee. Jake got up and ate all his oatmeal. Callie wanted to eat Jake's and mine. Silly girl. 

The band got up super early and went to an ear doctor in Key West to get molded in-ears. Tom left with the trailer sometime after 11 to meet them at Sunset Pier. I folded 3 loads of wash and put some of it away while listening to "The Mysterious Island." 

About 1:30 I went to Winn Dixie and bought fruit, subs, beans, bread, and almond milk. Time started flying. I planned to leave at 3:45 for the second gig of the day at the new marina on Stock Island. I hurried to feed everyone and put groceries away. Then I had to move the kids car seats from TJ's truck to the 15 passenger van. I changed Callie's diaper and clothes and made Charlie change too. Then we were off.

We picked up Kim and Stevie. We found the marina ok, but I forgot my warm sweater to wear and was a little cold the whole time. I packed the kids sweatshirts though so they were warm. Callie and Jake played in the dry, dusty stones. 

Tom and I took Jake for a walk  to look at the boats and one huge yacht in particular, but he moaned and groaned because he wanted to play with Charlie, so we went back. The kids played on the grass with friends for a while. Then we ate. 

Callie played with the band a lot and jake did a little. After Charlie's song Callie wouldn't give up the mike. I rounded them up and met Kim at the van and I drove home. We dropped Kim off and ordered two pizzas. I picked them up and we went home and ate them. Doug stopped, dropping off Garrett and Jonathan, and picking up some pizza for K, who had not had time to make supper.

I quickly got ready for bed , since Callie  fell asleep on our way home from the gig and was still sleeping. I changed Garrett's dressing and went to bed.

Sorry for the double pic of Jake and then of the birthday presents. I was starting to fall asleep writing this. I'm too tired. And I don't know how to delete pictures.

The last picture shows Charlie with the breakfast he made all by himself.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 23, 2014


I woke up early with a headache. I took Excedrin Migraine and put ice on my head but I couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and made some ginger tea. I was halfway through my devos when TJ dropped off Jake and Callie. They were on their way to the Lauderdale airport for their trip to a gig in California. We are watching the kids till they get back on Saturday. 

We did some school, laundry, dishes, and I made vegetable chowder. I made noodles for the kids too. They finished off the pasta with supper and I had to make wild rice for the three of us who didn't get any pasta. 

Some friends dropped off their two boys to play with Tommy and Charlie while they checked out Big Pine. They are thinking about buying a house. The big kids were at church all day getting ready for the youth event, called OMY (one more youth). It will be Ben's first time giving a message.

Tom took Charlie, the two friends, and Jake to the park, and Rob met them there. Tom said Jake rode his new bike a lot. Bobby picked up Garrett for the usual Thursday night at Shannon's. Tommy went to OMY along with the older boys. Callie and I stayed home. I did an Omnibus lesson while knitting on my sock.

When the boys came back from hockey, those who hadn't eaten yet ate, and we ate banana bread that Rob brought. The guys watched hockey. I cleaned up the leftovers and was ready for bed. Doug came over for the third time to change Garrett's dressing. Jake slept with Charlie, and Callie slept on a mattress on the floor in my room.

Two of my Christmas cacti are blooming. Last year they grew buds but they all fell off before they opened. They are one of my favorite flowers.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 22, 2014


Doug came over and changed Garrett's gauze. I went for my walk and ran two laps around the park. The boys did some schoolwork. I picked up and made a plan for Jake's birthday party. I finally got the kitchen table cleaned off and the island too. I should have taken a picture. The kids put everything on the island and I get stuck cleaning it off. I also brought in the garbage cans and took care of more cardboard.

At 1:30 Tommy and I went to Winn Dixie to get a few things for the party. We bought balloons, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, tortilla chips, salsa, carrots, celery, and hummus. When we got home I put together a bowl of fruit, a vedgie plate, a plate of cream cheese with homemade raspberry pepper jelly and pretzel crackers, and the bowl of chips and salsa.

TJ and Angelica made the cake and brought it over. Kim and Doug came over with Stevie. We had a hard time finding the right day and time for his party. But 3:00 in the afternoon worked. Jake got Lego, a fart gun,  a stuffed Sonic that Angelica made, a bike, and a hockey stick guitar.

After I cleaned up we all went to church for supper and Bible study. The older kids stayed late to set up for youth night. A cold hit Tommy and he just wanted to go home. I gave him Alka-Seltzer nighttime cold medicine. We hung out in my room listening to the book, " The Mysterious Island."  Tommy fell asleep right away on my queen's chair and slept there all night. I knitted on my sock while listening. The sock was too tight and I had to take most of it out again. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 21, 2014


Went for my walk. I think tomorrow I will go back up to running twice around the park. I spent the morning picking up, then at 12:30 we left for gym class. Dark, gray clouds followed us but it didn't start to rain till we were driving home from gym class. 

I had about a half hour to myself, then Tom and I took Garrett to his 4:30 Dr. appointment in Key West. I was going to start back at my Tai Chi class today but it will have to wait till next week.

Garrett's drain tube fell out yesterday. So Dr. Chan showed me what I have to do. She stuffed gauze into the hole. So three times a day I'm supposed to pull the gauze out, and put a new piece in. It's painful for him. I told her I wasn't sure if I could do it. She asked if I wanted him to get well. I said yes. She said, "You can do it." We'll, maybe if there was absolutely no one around. But I'm just not the nurse/Dr. type. I wish I was, but I'm not. 

I told Kim what needed to be done, and Doug said he would do it. The nurse also told me she would help if I needed her. But I know she will be at work, and she lives 3 miles away. So thankful for Doug.

While driving to and from the dr.s appointment, our gig got cancelled because of rain, but then they worked it out that TJ and Ang would play inside the restaurant. They wanted a bass player, but Joe wouldn't play. Tom got all mad at him, so Tom was upset, Joe was upset, and I was upset. 

TJ and Ang were at the house when we got home with the kids. Ang was upset with TJ. There was just too much upsettedness for me. They left for the gig, I watched kids and tried to clear off the kitchen table (never succeeded) and did the dishes. I wanted to order pizza but Tom didn't want to. So Tommy and I walked over to the gig (2 blocks away) and ate and listened to TJ and Ang.

Came back home. Doug came over and changed Garrett's gauze. I'm ok as an assistant. Tom took the grandkids and Charlie down to the hot tub. The other kids had gone to a worship seminar at church and came home. Tom and the kids came back upstairs. TJ and Ang came home from their gig. They all started watching hockey so I escaped to my room. Day over.

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014


I'm sleeping too late ever since my trip to NY, but it probably goes back to before Christmas. We are working almost 7 days a week. I'm tired. Christmas. New Years. Company. Then my trip to NY. Then Garrett's appendicitis. Now, lots of work. The house is cluttered. Gives me the heebie geebies. 

I did not walk, but got Tommy and Charlie fed and ready for TJ to pick them up and take them to a homeschool event, a movie up in Marathon. I did the dishes while waiting for Joe to shower so we could go to Winn Dixie. I also took out the garbage, 3 bags, and picked up and swept half the carport.  Can't stand the clutter.

Ed and Ben went to the church to unload lighting stuff. Garrett wanted to go with me to Winn Dixie so joe had to come too. Can't leave him home alone because of his seizures. He hasn't had one since November 5.

Gorgeous day today. The sun felt really good. Anyway, got groceries, came home, and put them away while making chickpea "chicken" salad, no chicken. I packed a salad with the chickpea salad on top of it. Angelica and the kids were over so she had some too, and she packed some for TJ, who had already gone to Key West to see his banjo maker, Tom Nechville, who happened to be in town from Wisconson.

Garrett's drain tube came out while he was changing the bandage. The Dr. wanted  to see him today, but I couldn't get a hold of her this morning, and now this. I left two messages. I am very thankful that the kids' friend, JC's mom, works for Garrett's Dr. She called me back and Garrett has an appointment for 4:30 tomorrow. I was going to start back to Tai Chi tomorrow. I'm not sure about that now. Tom can take him but I'd like to go to.

We took Jake with us to Sloppy's and he stole the show. The kids did a great job. Awesome show tonight. 

After we got home, Tommy and Charlie got ready for bed and we hung out in my room listening to "The Mysterious Island." I was trying to start knitting a new sock. The last one was too big and I had to take it out. The needles I used were too big. But I goofed and ended up taking out the beginning of this one too. I'll try again tomorrow.

I really stayed up too late. :0(

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19, 2014


Took the day off from walking. The band led worship at church today, so thy left early. Tom and I went in the hot tub, then woke up Tommy and Charlie for church. I ate my oatmeal and banana and then we left. Three people at church thought I was Kim this morning. Yippee!!

After worship, Nina's band went to their gig at Sunset Pier. Ian and Ariel stayed with us. When we got home from church, Tom and Joe watched hockey and football. Garrett hung out with Jaden in the living room, the younger boys played outside with Ian and Ariel, and I folded laundry while listening to "The Mysterious Island" on Audible on my phone. Kurt had a 3 hour drum lesson at the studio from a drummer from Nashville. 

Time passed quickly and it was time to get ready to leave for Schooner Wharf. We had a good night. The temp was 63 degrees with hardly a breeze so it wasn't too bad out. The younger kids played tag, and Aaron's borrowed skateboard went off into the  ocean water. The kids asked someone on a boat for help. They used a big hook to get it out. 

TJ left the gig a few minutes early. He has to go home, take a nap, and go to work at his side job with Fran. Everyone could use a full day off, but right now we are making hay while the sun shines. 

I was able to load the dishwasher before we left, but the house is pretty trashed. I'm still trying to get caught up from my trip to NY. The laundry is almost caught up. My desk is almost cleaned off. Maybe someday I'll get to cleaning my dirty bathroom. Tomorrow Garrett is supposed to go see his surgeon. 

Today is Jake's 4th birthday. :0) We had to move his party to Wednesday. Curious Jake :0) 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014


I went for my walk. It was cold again. Tommy went to the car wash at church. The band went to their first gig in Key West. 

One of our favorite places to play, Salty's in Marathon, burned to the ground early this morning . :0( We are all really bummed about it. 

I ran to Walgreens for guaze for Garrett. I tried cleaning off my desk and swept the kitchen. At 3 o'clock Tommy, Charlie, and I left for our gig at the Key West Seafood Festival. Ed packed the lighting stuff in his van and I was the courier. We had to stop and get gas. Ed always leaves his van on "E" and that doesn't stand for Eddy.

Traffic was heavy but we made it to the seafood fest and even parked. We walked around to scope everything out. There was the coolest robot who talked to the kids. He was very funny, joking and poking fun at everyone. Now I want one. :0) He was all remote control and there was a man speaking for him and making him move. 

The temp was cold, 61 with a breeze. I got a few chairs right in front of the stage. Ed live streamed the show, and I ended up being the camera man, but using iPhones. We started an hour late because the previous band got off the stage when we were supposed to start. But Ed told people we were starting at 6, so we had the live stream running. It ran out of battery about the 3rd or 4th song. Then I switched to Ben's phone and they charged Ed's phone. It was a pain. And then it died during the last song. We did an encore of "Dead Time," one of my favorite songs. 

I was trying to write this on the ride home, but I was falling asleep. The nurse came  to the house and pulled

out the drain tube a little bit. He has to go back to the Dr. on  Monday. 

I made a cup of Chai tea and went to bed. I'm usually the first one to bed.

Another day done.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014


I slept too late this morning, 8:30ish I think. Did my devos and went walking at 10. I almost didn't go but changed my mind. Usually it's too hot to go at 10. I want to be back by 9, or 10 at the latest. It was cold out so I went. 

After I showered, I made pancakes. I 5x the recipe, and usually mix it in a big plastic bowl with a wooden spoon. Today, for some reason I made the batter with my Kitchen Aid. The batter was too much for the bowl. When I added the almond milk it turned into a volcano and overflowed the sides. That never happened to me before. I was able to scoop it all into another bowl, but it did leave me a mess to clean up.

That done, I worked at laundry and taking down the Christmas tree. I fit all the ornaments into one long rectangular bin that fits under my bed. The other things, lights, stockings, bows, and bags, all fit into a second bin, and fit on a shelf in my closet. The only problem is the tree. It's a fake one that the Castro family gave us when they moved to Hawaii just after last Christmas. The bag it was in was shot, and when I find something to put it in, I don't know where I'm going to store it. So it is still in the living room, but laying on its side.

I did the dishes and took care of Garrett, making sure he was eating and drinking water. He lost 20 lbs in about two weeks. It's hard to believe. 

The band spent the day putting the stage back together at the church. Kim and Angelica were both sick so they couldn't do the gig at Hogfish tonight. Tommy was at a friends house. We all got ready to go to Hogfish, but Garrett and Charlie stayed home.

Rob and Anastasia met us for supper. The band sounded great. It was cold so they had heaters going inside the restaurant, which is kind of outside. The fish tacos were delicious!
Our table was fairly close to a heater so I was very comfortable. It was a fun night.

We got home after midnight. Tommy took out the garbage and all the cardboard. He tried whining about it but I wouldn't let him. The band went down to the hot tub. I changed Tommy's bed and threw in another load of laundry. Then I went to bed.

January 16, 2014


Dr. Chan wanted Tom and I to meet her at the hospital at 8 AM so we had to get up early and leave at 7 AM. She gave us the option of Garrett coming home today or Friday, so we picked today. The hospital lost Garrett's clothes so we brought him home in his boxers, the hospital gown, and Tom's sweatshirt. We didn't think he was coming home today, or know that his clothes were missing, or we would have brought him some.

We delivered Garrett home, then went to CVS to fill Garrett's prescriptions. I looked online to compare prices at different stores. The antibiotic was $10 at Walmart (2 hours away), $16 at Publix, $36 at CVS, and $68 at Walgreens, all with an online coupon. Tom mentioned to the pharmacist that it was $16 at Publix (1/2 hour away) and she said with our coupon it would cost $16! I've always just gone into the drug store and paid what they said. I didn't know there were online coupons, and couldn't believe the price differences between the stores. We decided not to get the other prescription. It was for pain meds and Garrett wasn't taking them in the hospital. That was $216 with a coupon. Forget that. 

Anyways, we dropped off the prescription, then went to TJ's to drop off some tissues and envelopes and pick up a present that Angelica got for Garrett. Then we went back to CVS and picked up his prescription. 

Finally, back at home, I took care of Garrett, did dishes, laundry, school, and made vegan chili and cornbread. I put the chili in the crockpot so we could eat after the big youth event.

We all went to the church. Even Garrett went over, but he stayed in the AV room so he could watch. The kids led worship. There were awesome lights, laser tag, and other games. Before it was over, I went to Winn Dixie and bought corn chips and cheese (for Rob). Tom and Rob went to the park to skate. 

Some of us went home afterwards and ate. The older kids went with their crew out for Chinese. As always, hockey was on the projector screen at our house. About 11 o'clock I did dishes, put leftovers away, and went to bed.