Friday, January 10, 2014

January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014

I got up early at Stacey's house and spent a half hour or more just sitting, looking out the window. I do miss that, looking out over the fields. She made us delicious and nutritious oatmeal for breakfast with oranges and pineapple. 

We got to talk for about an hour and then it was time to drive to the airport. On the way we stopped at a UPS store to mail gifts from Carol and Stacey that I didn't want to take on the plane or check as baggage. It was pretty and frosty outside.

We got to the airport without a hitch, about a 45 min drive. She dropped me off. I was going to give her gas money but forgot.

While waiting for my flight I got a few texts about Garrett. Ed took him from the 3rd Dr's office to the ER. Then I had to turn off my phone.

I made it to Lauderdale. TJ and Jake picked me up. Angelica flew out of Lauderdale that morning, that's why I flew back that day, so TJ could drive me back and someone wouldn't have to drive back up to Lauderdale another day. He brought me my favorite food from the Cheesecake Factory, Spicy Chipotle Chicken and plain cheesecake. We also stopped at Starbucks in Florida City. We hit a small traffic jam but made the drive in 4 hours. 

The band was at Schooner Wharf. Charlie was at Shannon's. Tom and Garrett were at the ER and then Rob went there too and hung out with Tom.

Here's the whole Garrett story and how it progressed.

I left for a funeral in NY on Saturday. The viewing was Sunday and funeral Monday. I rode with company that was on their way home for 26 hours straight. 

On Monday I heard his stomach was bothering him. I told him to just eat bananas and applesauce. Early Tuesday (5am) he sent me a text that his stomach hurt really bad and what should he do. I told him to tell his dad. When he got up Tom was at work, and went to Kim's house to help her with something. I asked him if he had a fever and he said he didn't know, so I described to him what a fever felt like. I told him to have Kim take his temp. I didn't find out till later in the day that it was 100.2. 

On Wednesday morning I was mad that no one was taking care of this. I called Dr. Grider's office for an appt and was grateful that they could take him in the afternoon.  They said they would call me back after lunch. At 3:00 I realized they never called me, so I called and they said to bring him in right then. Ed took him over. They saw him, took a urine sample, and said they were getting ready to close so they couldn't do anything. 

I was worried, I always had the thought of appendicitis in the back of my head whenever any of the kids had stomach pains. A friend told us about the new urgent care place in Key West so Tom took him there. They said it might be appendicitis, but they needed a certain machine, and they wouldn't have it till next week. So Tom called another Dr., Dr. Catana, who called Dr. Chan, to get him there in the morning. Ed happened to have his own appt with Dr. Chan at 11:30 that day so he took Garrett with him. She knew just by the way that he was walking that it was appendicitis and sent him to the ER.

Ed took him to the ER, and Tom got off work and met him there, where Garrett waited for hours in a hallway. :0(

Meanwhile, (Thursday) I was flying out of NY to Lauderdale, where TJ had just dropped off Ang at the airport to go to CA. He picked me up at 6 and we drove back to the Keys.

January 10, 2014

Garrett told me that he started to feel bad on Saturday, and this went on till Thursday night. He's in a lot of pain but kept saying no to pain meds. I finally told him that I know he's in a lot of pain, and he should take the meds. He finally told me that they give it to him with a needle and he didn't want anymore needles. He finally agreed to take it.

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