Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014


I made it out for my walk this morning. I ran 2 times around the park and added 30 more seconds to it. I was able to squeeze in an Omnibus lesson and then did school with Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie. Charlie is starting to take off with his school work. Tommy is doimg horrible at math right now. He is 3/4 of the way through the book. I've  slowed him down to half a lesson a day. TJ  dropped Jake and Callie off for a little while so he could teach a banjo lesson.

I made coconut black beans and a salad for lunch and packed it to eat on the way to our gig. We left at 3:40, 20 minutes late but made it to work on time. Jake went with us to the gig. 

The little boys played on the iPads during the show. After the first set we walked to Duetto's for gelato.i got my favorite, affagato, which is tiramisu gelato with expresso poured over the top.  The kids' friend, JC, was at the show. He took pictures and helped set up and break down. Thanks JC!

Hopefully, we will get home and Garrett will have the dishes done. He has another doctor appointment tomorrow. I don't even want to think about tomorrow and figure out the plan for the day. 

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