Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014


I made myself go walking, but only ran 1 lap. I just don't like running. I know that I can do two laps, so I figure I am just lazy.

Today Becky's family went kayaking. I babysat and cleaned outta closet. There's still too much stuff, but a little less now. I also folded laundry and watered my plants. I cleaned half my bathroom. Tom went to TJ's and fixed his toilet. Then he went to Kim's studio to put up the track lighting that we got her for Christmas. Becky and crew went to Key West to watch the sunset.

All the kids spent most of the day at the church at a meeting and then setting up for the kick-off of the the new youth group, OMY. I got tired of working at the house and ordered Stromboli for a treat. I went to Winn Dixie, bought bananas, and then picked up the Stromboli.

It was so hot in the house while I sat at the table and ate. No one was home but me. Peace. Then TJ asked if Callie could come over for a little. So she came over and helped me load the dishwasher, load the clothes dryer, and then we read a few books.

Angelica picked her up. TJ and Joe went to work with Fran tonight. A few kids came home from the church and ate spaghetti, then went back to the church. Rob came up. He and Tom went to the park and skated. Then we ate.

I drew an octopus to applique on Jake's quilt. I did the dishes. Rob and Tom watched a hockey game. Then Becky got back. We are going to Blue Heaven in the morning. I'm not sure if I can go now, since Joe is working tonight. He's going to be really tired and I'm not sure he should babysit in the morning.

I'm hitching a ride with Becky to NY. They are leaving on Saturday. Not looking forward to the cold.

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