Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014


I slept too late this morning, 8:30ish I think. Did my devos and went walking at 10. I almost didn't go but changed my mind. Usually it's too hot to go at 10. I want to be back by 9, or 10 at the latest. It was cold out so I went. 

After I showered, I made pancakes. I 5x the recipe, and usually mix it in a big plastic bowl with a wooden spoon. Today, for some reason I made the batter with my Kitchen Aid. The batter was too much for the bowl. When I added the almond milk it turned into a volcano and overflowed the sides. That never happened to me before. I was able to scoop it all into another bowl, but it did leave me a mess to clean up.

That done, I worked at laundry and taking down the Christmas tree. I fit all the ornaments into one long rectangular bin that fits under my bed. The other things, lights, stockings, bows, and bags, all fit into a second bin, and fit on a shelf in my closet. The only problem is the tree. It's a fake one that the Castro family gave us when they moved to Hawaii just after last Christmas. The bag it was in was shot, and when I find something to put it in, I don't know where I'm going to store it. So it is still in the living room, but laying on its side.

I did the dishes and took care of Garrett, making sure he was eating and drinking water. He lost 20 lbs in about two weeks. It's hard to believe. 

The band spent the day putting the stage back together at the church. Kim and Angelica were both sick so they couldn't do the gig at Hogfish tonight. Tommy was at a friends house. We all got ready to go to Hogfish, but Garrett and Charlie stayed home.

Rob and Anastasia met us for supper. The band sounded great. It was cold so they had heaters going inside the restaurant, which is kind of outside. The fish tacos were delicious!
Our table was fairly close to a heater so I was very comfortable. It was a fun night.

We got home after midnight. Tommy took out the garbage and all the cardboard. He tried whining about it but I wouldn't let him. The band went down to the hot tub. I changed Tommy's bed and threw in another load of laundry. Then I went to bed.

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