Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014


I woke up to the sound of rain so I did not go walking. I spent the time reading instead. I really wanted to go out for breakfast, but put it out of my mind and ate oatmeal. 

We did school. Charlie is really taking off. It's fun to hear him reading. Tommy's math is so bad. He is 2/3 of the way thru the book. I'm thinking of starting it over with him.

Garrett went with Jaden to art class in Marathon. Charlie went to a friend's house from 3-5. I did two omnibus lessons and went over math with Tommy. Then Tommy went over to church early to help Terrence get ready for OMY. 

TJ and Ang dropped the kids off so I could play grandma while they went to Schooner Wharf. Ed and Nina went too. Ed was mad about missing OMY but OHWELL. Sorry Ed. I couldn't help myself.  

Tom took Jake, Callie, and Charlie in the hot tub. That's when I got the 2nd Omnibus lesson done. Bob came over at 5:30 an took Charlie to Shannon's house. I was dreading making supper and doing dishes all day, but I finally decided on spaghetti and made it with steamed broccoli and mushrooms.y sweet tooth wouldn't got away, so I made a pineapple coconut banana and fresh mint ice cream. It was pretty good. The kids came back from OMY with some friends. I decided to do the dishes and started that. The kids who weren't there for supper were hungry so I had to make more spaghetti. 

Tom watched hockey and I did the dishes. I read "Farmer Boy" to Charlie. Then we took Jake and Callie home. When TJ and Ang get home, grandpa and I will go home.

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