Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 22, 2014


Doug came over and changed Garrett's gauze. I went for my walk and ran two laps around the park. The boys did some schoolwork. I picked up and made a plan for Jake's birthday party. I finally got the kitchen table cleaned off and the island too. I should have taken a picture. The kids put everything on the island and I get stuck cleaning it off. I also brought in the garbage cans and took care of more cardboard.

At 1:30 Tommy and I went to Winn Dixie to get a few things for the party. We bought balloons, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, tortilla chips, salsa, carrots, celery, and hummus. When we got home I put together a bowl of fruit, a vedgie plate, a plate of cream cheese with homemade raspberry pepper jelly and pretzel crackers, and the bowl of chips and salsa.

TJ and Angelica made the cake and brought it over. Kim and Doug came over with Stevie. We had a hard time finding the right day and time for his party. But 3:00 in the afternoon worked. Jake got Lego, a fart gun,  a stuffed Sonic that Angelica made, a bike, and a hockey stick guitar.

After I cleaned up we all went to church for supper and Bible study. The older kids stayed late to set up for youth night. A cold hit Tommy and he just wanted to go home. I gave him Alka-Seltzer nighttime cold medicine. We hung out in my room listening to the book, " The Mysterious Island."  Tommy fell asleep right away on my queen's chair and slept there all night. I knitted on my sock while listening. The sock was too tight and I had to take most of it out again. 

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