Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 14, 2014


I went for my walk. I'm still catching up from being gone. The laundry is backed up. I folded two loads. I can't do more than that at a time or I go into depression. 

TJ forgot a watermelon that I had cut up the night before, so I ran that, and a few other things he left at our house, to his house. I took Tommy with me and left him there to help with the kids so TJ could get some work done.

When I got back home I did school with Charlie. We finished all his work. Then Tom, Nina, and I went to look at a house. I did dishes. Tom and I went to Key West to see Garrett. Tom dropped me off and went off to do a couple jobs.

They had moved him back to his other room. Garrett was eating real food. He was more talkative. His friends Jaden and Nevaeh, and their mom, had come to see him earlier. Tom came back and it was time for us to leave for hockey night in Big Pine. 

I watched Callie (who was sleeping on the couch) while the rest of the crew went to the park for hockey. I made a healthy pizza and ordered 6 pizzas. I made a salad, did dishes, and then went to pick up the pizzas. They all came back and ate. I made them eat their salads first. 

The big boys all watched hockey. I finished the dishes, put leftovers away, and stumbled to bed. 

Here's a pic of Callie's new fiddle. She loves it!

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