Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

I had some quiet time this morning before Callie woke up. I made her oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries. She ate it all up and then played by herself. I knitted on my sock and drank a cup of coffee. Jake got up and ate all his oatmeal. Callie wanted to eat Jake's and mine. Silly girl. 

The band got up super early and went to an ear doctor in Key West to get molded in-ears. Tom left with the trailer sometime after 11 to meet them at Sunset Pier. I folded 3 loads of wash and put some of it away while listening to "The Mysterious Island." 

About 1:30 I went to Winn Dixie and bought fruit, subs, beans, bread, and almond milk. Time started flying. I planned to leave at 3:45 for the second gig of the day at the new marina on Stock Island. I hurried to feed everyone and put groceries away. Then I had to move the kids car seats from TJ's truck to the 15 passenger van. I changed Callie's diaper and clothes and made Charlie change too. Then we were off.

We picked up Kim and Stevie. We found the marina ok, but I forgot my warm sweater to wear and was a little cold the whole time. I packed the kids sweatshirts though so they were warm. Callie and Jake played in the dry, dusty stones. 

Tom and I took Jake for a walk  to look at the boats and one huge yacht in particular, but he moaned and groaned because he wanted to play with Charlie, so we went back. The kids played on the grass with friends for a while. Then we ate. 

Callie played with the band a lot and jake did a little. After Charlie's song Callie wouldn't give up the mike. I rounded them up and met Kim at the van and I drove home. We dropped Kim off and ordered two pizzas. I picked them up and we went home and ate them. Doug stopped, dropping off Garrett and Jonathan, and picking up some pizza for K, who had not had time to make supper.

I quickly got ready for bed , since Callie  fell asleep on our way home from the gig and was still sleeping. I changed Garrett's dressing and went to bed.

Sorry for the double pic of Jake and then of the birthday presents. I was starting to fall asleep writing this. I'm too tired. And I don't know how to delete pictures.

The last picture shows Charlie with the breakfast he made all by himself.

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