Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014


I'm sleeping too late ever since my trip to NY, but it probably goes back to before Christmas. We are working almost 7 days a week. I'm tired. Christmas. New Years. Company. Then my trip to NY. Then Garrett's appendicitis. Now, lots of work. The house is cluttered. Gives me the heebie geebies. 

I did not walk, but got Tommy and Charlie fed and ready for TJ to pick them up and take them to a homeschool event, a movie up in Marathon. I did the dishes while waiting for Joe to shower so we could go to Winn Dixie. I also took out the garbage, 3 bags, and picked up and swept half the carport.  Can't stand the clutter.

Ed and Ben went to the church to unload lighting stuff. Garrett wanted to go with me to Winn Dixie so joe had to come too. Can't leave him home alone because of his seizures. He hasn't had one since November 5.

Gorgeous day today. The sun felt really good. Anyway, got groceries, came home, and put them away while making chickpea "chicken" salad, no chicken. I packed a salad with the chickpea salad on top of it. Angelica and the kids were over so she had some too, and she packed some for TJ, who had already gone to Key West to see his banjo maker, Tom Nechville, who happened to be in town from Wisconson.

Garrett's drain tube came out while he was changing the bandage. The Dr. wanted  to see him today, but I couldn't get a hold of her this morning, and now this. I left two messages. I am very thankful that the kids' friend, JC's mom, works for Garrett's Dr. She called me back and Garrett has an appointment for 4:30 tomorrow. I was going to start back to Tai Chi tomorrow. I'm not sure about that now. Tom can take him but I'd like to go to.

We took Jake with us to Sloppy's and he stole the show. The kids did a great job. Awesome show tonight. 

After we got home, Tommy and Charlie got ready for bed and we hung out in my room listening to "The Mysterious Island." I was trying to start knitting a new sock. The last one was too big and I had to take it out. The needles I used were too big. But I goofed and ended up taking out the beginning of this one too. I'll try again tomorrow.

I really stayed up too late. :0(

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