Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014


I guess in a way it's a good time to go to NY, because the forecast in the Keys is rain for the whole time I'm gone.

I got up and did my devos. I almost went walking but I didn't know exactly when they wanted to leave, so I didn't. Then I was glad I decided not to because it started raining and Tom said it rained all day.

I ate my oatmeal for breakfast, then I stuffed a salad into a ziplock bag, romaine lettuce, carrots, and celery. I don't use any dressing so it will be finger food. I also packed an orange, an apple, and a pear. I made some homemade Lara bars in my Ninja, chopped cashews, dates, and coconut. I rolled a few into balls and put them in a ziplock bag. I also took a bottle of water.

We left at 10:30 AM. Becky drove first. We only stopped to gas up and use the bathrooms. I crocheted most of the daylight hours and listened to a book on my phone.

Florida is a long state, but finally we made it into Georgia and South Carolina. We are about halfway through SC now. I had to put my sweatshirt on. Last winter I don't remember getting a cold. I'm hoping I don't catch one up here.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I mean the Doerfel home for overprivileged kids, their afternoon gig was cancelled because of the rain, so they all did chores. Someone from church came over and helped Tom fix the heater on the hot tub. The gang  went to their gig at the Hurricane, then TJ brought the younger kids home half way through, then he took Charlie to his house to spend the night.

Oh, I almost forgot. Garrett got in trouble this morning for staying up most of the night on the computer. He was supposed to get his phone any day now, but Tom postponed it since he is being so irresponsible.

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