Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014


I went to the hospital first thing this morning. Garrett's looking a little better. The Dr. told him to quit being so tough and she ordered another shot.  He also got to sip clear liquids today for the first time. 

The band and all the younger kids came to the hospital to see him about 12:30. They moved car seats into my van. I took Tommy, Charlie, Jake, and Callie to our house. Helena called and invited us to the park so we loaded up Jake and Callie's bikes and went. Tommy and Charlie had to ride their bikes to the park.  It was a beautiful day, warm and breezy. I met the mom who lives across the street from me. We've live there 2 years and it was the first time I had ever seen her. They are moving in a month. Her husband is in the military. When the kids had their fill we went home. 

We ate some oranges and carrots and the kids each had a piece of pizza left over from last night. iAds a salad and some teriyaki chickpeas. Rob stopped in with some banana bread and a little guitar for Jake. 

The band stopped in for 15 minutes between gigs. I made Ed salad and he finished up the chickpeas. Then thy were on the road again. They played at Salty's in marathon tonight.

I let the kids watch a movie and did dishes. Then made us some supper; quinoa, vegetable gravy, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. Callie ate two helpings and then helped Charlie finish his. Jake also ate two helpings.  I did the dishes again, moved the laundry,  and had the kids get ready to go to TJ's house.

I let them play for an hour. Tommy tea a book to Jake and Callie fell asleep on my lap. 

When I left for NY I said that I was not going to come back with a cold. I didn't even have a cold last winter. But on Thursday my nose started to run, and now my head really hurts. My face is starting to feel like a water balloon. I've got a cold. I'm tired. TJ should get home shortly after midnight and then I can take Tommy and Charlie home and go to bed.

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