Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 3, 2014


I got up with the alarm so I could get ready to go to the early gig at Blue Heaven. Callie went with us so I watched her. We left at 8:30. The gig was 10am-2pm. We got home about 3:30.

Kim needed help beaming a warp on her loom, so Tom and I went over there. We brought Tommy with us. He needed to get away. He had a rough day with brothers and me gone all day. Tom put up one of Kim's track lights while we were there.

We hurried home to get ready to leave for the gig at the Hurricane in Marathon. Becky's family all came and we had supper there. I was sooo tired. I probably shouldn't have gone. Luckily, Becky's crew didn't want to stay till 1 am so I was home around 10 or 10:30. 

I packed to leave for NY in the morning. We are driving 25 hours straight, 5 of us in a focus. I don't really have cold weather clothes. I've got a pair of jeans from Salvation Army. We'll see how it goes.

The younger boys, Garrett on down and Aaron, took about 3 hours to go to sleep. Grrrr!!!!

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