Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014


At my brother's house in Angola, NY

My niece, Rose, and Nephew, Danny, missed their school bus this morning, so Darryl took them to school. At about 9:45 we left for the funeral for Carol's brother, Vinnie. At the funeral home, I watched 3-year-old Billy in another room. We looked at pictures on the walls, made faces in a mirror, and played some games on my phone. After the service we went to the cemetery. A winter storm was just starting. On the way home we stopped at the Tim Horton's drive-thru for coffee and donuts. 

Back at the house, we enjoyed our treats and visited. Then Darryl went to get new tires on his truck. Carol pulled out a quilt and I quilted. She also pulled out a knitting project she was a little stuck on. Darryl put the plow back on his truck.

The kids came home from school. We ate delicious leftover lasagna from yesterday for supper. Rose did some homework. I kept peeking out the window at the snow blowing around, an official blizzard, -2 degrees with high winds. The lights flickered once, but luckily we didn't lose power. 

We watched a little TV and went to bed.

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