Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16, 2014


Dr. Chan wanted Tom and I to meet her at the hospital at 8 AM so we had to get up early and leave at 7 AM. She gave us the option of Garrett coming home today or Friday, so we picked today. The hospital lost Garrett's clothes so we brought him home in his boxers, the hospital gown, and Tom's sweatshirt. We didn't think he was coming home today, or know that his clothes were missing, or we would have brought him some.

We delivered Garrett home, then went to CVS to fill Garrett's prescriptions. I looked online to compare prices at different stores. The antibiotic was $10 at Walmart (2 hours away), $16 at Publix, $36 at CVS, and $68 at Walgreens, all with an online coupon. Tom mentioned to the pharmacist that it was $16 at Publix (1/2 hour away) and she said with our coupon it would cost $16! I've always just gone into the drug store and paid what they said. I didn't know there were online coupons, and couldn't believe the price differences between the stores. We decided not to get the other prescription. It was for pain meds and Garrett wasn't taking them in the hospital. That was $216 with a coupon. Forget that. 

Anyways, we dropped off the prescription, then went to TJ's to drop off some tissues and envelopes and pick up a present that Angelica got for Garrett. Then we went back to CVS and picked up his prescription. 

Finally, back at home, I took care of Garrett, did dishes, laundry, school, and made vegan chili and cornbread. I put the chili in the crockpot so we could eat after the big youth event.

We all went to the church. Even Garrett went over, but he stayed in the AV room so he could watch. The kids led worship. There were awesome lights, laser tag, and other games. Before it was over, I went to Winn Dixie and bought corn chips and cheese (for Rob). Tom and Rob went to the park to skate. 

Some of us went home afterwards and ate. The older kids went with their crew out for Chinese. As always, hockey was on the projector screen at our house. About 11 o'clock I did dishes, put leftovers away, and went to bed.

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