Friday, January 24, 2014

January 23, 2014


I woke up early with a headache. I took Excedrin Migraine and put ice on my head but I couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and made some ginger tea. I was halfway through my devos when TJ dropped off Jake and Callie. They were on their way to the Lauderdale airport for their trip to a gig in California. We are watching the kids till they get back on Saturday. 

We did some school, laundry, dishes, and I made vegetable chowder. I made noodles for the kids too. They finished off the pasta with supper and I had to make wild rice for the three of us who didn't get any pasta. 

Some friends dropped off their two boys to play with Tommy and Charlie while they checked out Big Pine. They are thinking about buying a house. The big kids were at church all day getting ready for the youth event, called OMY (one more youth). It will be Ben's first time giving a message.

Tom took Charlie, the two friends, and Jake to the park, and Rob met them there. Tom said Jake rode his new bike a lot. Bobby picked up Garrett for the usual Thursday night at Shannon's. Tommy went to OMY along with the older boys. Callie and I stayed home. I did an Omnibus lesson while knitting on my sock.

When the boys came back from hockey, those who hadn't eaten yet ate, and we ate banana bread that Rob brought. The guys watched hockey. I cleaned up the leftovers and was ready for bed. Doug came over for the third time to change Garrett's dressing. Jake slept with Charlie, and Callie slept on a mattress on the floor in my room.

Two of my Christmas cacti are blooming. Last year they grew buds but they all fell off before they opened. They are one of my favorite flowers.

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