Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 21, 2014


Went for my walk. I think tomorrow I will go back up to running twice around the park. I spent the morning picking up, then at 12:30 we left for gym class. Dark, gray clouds followed us but it didn't start to rain till we were driving home from gym class. 

I had about a half hour to myself, then Tom and I took Garrett to his 4:30 Dr. appointment in Key West. I was going to start back at my Tai Chi class today but it will have to wait till next week.

Garrett's drain tube fell out yesterday. So Dr. Chan showed me what I have to do. She stuffed gauze into the hole. So three times a day I'm supposed to pull the gauze out, and put a new piece in. It's painful for him. I told her I wasn't sure if I could do it. She asked if I wanted him to get well. I said yes. She said, "You can do it." We'll, maybe if there was absolutely no one around. But I'm just not the nurse/Dr. type. I wish I was, but I'm not. 

I told Kim what needed to be done, and Doug said he would do it. The nurse also told me she would help if I needed her. But I know she will be at work, and she lives 3 miles away. So thankful for Doug.

While driving to and from the dr.s appointment, our gig got cancelled because of rain, but then they worked it out that TJ and Ang would play inside the restaurant. They wanted a bass player, but Joe wouldn't play. Tom got all mad at him, so Tom was upset, Joe was upset, and I was upset. 

TJ and Ang were at the house when we got home with the kids. Ang was upset with TJ. There was just too much upsettedness for me. They left for the gig, I watched kids and tried to clear off the kitchen table (never succeeded) and did the dishes. I wanted to order pizza but Tom didn't want to. So Tommy and I walked over to the gig (2 blocks away) and ate and listened to TJ and Ang.

Came back home. Doug came over and changed Garrett's gauze. I'm ok as an assistant. Tom took the grandkids and Charlie down to the hot tub. The other kids had gone to a worship seminar at church and came home. Tom and the kids came back upstairs. TJ and Ang came home from their gig. They all started watching hockey so I escaped to my room. Day over.

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