Friday, January 17, 2014

January 15, 2014


I've been so tired the last two nights, and up too late, so I haven't kept up with my blog. :0( I am going to try to remember.

I went for my walk and did school with Charlie. Tommy worked on his own and when I corrected his math he had about 7 problems right out of 40. After going over all those problems we were both wore out. 

Tom and I went to see Garrett and Tom did jobs on the way. He dropped me off again and finished his route. I got there just in time for supper. They fed Garrett and me. I was very happy because I knew we would be late for church and miss supper there. 

I brought my backgammon game with me and we played . The Dr. told Garrett he would come home on Friday.  The nurses have all been great, and Dr. Chan too.

Tom came in for a few minutes. Then we left and went to church. I missed the whole Bible study because Joe was outside upset about something. 

We traded vehicles with TJ and we took his kids to our house. He had to drive to Lauderdale (3 hours) to pick up Angelica from the airport. Her flight got in at 11:30 PM. At 11 Tom and I took the grandkids and Charlie over to TJ's to put them to bed there. A cold front came in today and it was cold at TJ's. I don't think their apartment has heat. I folded laundry and did the dishes. Ed and Nina came to relieve us sometime after midnight. 

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