Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014


This morning was my last day at Carol and Darryl's. I repacked my bag. Darryl got us donuts and we had coffee. The kids played out in the snow and I knitted a little more. Carol cleaned up the kitchen.

Becky's son, Alex, picked me up just after noon. It was about an hour drive back to Becky's. The roads were a little bad but Alex was a super driver. When we got to Becky's, she made us chicken and rice soup and some yummy coconut tea she bought in Key West. We got to visit a little while and then my friend Stacy picked me up.

She did a few errands and then we went out to eat. We had so much to talk about it was hard to eat. Neither one of us cared about the food. On the way back to her house we picked up pizza and wings for her kids. They were all peeking out the windows when we pulled in. 

The younger kids were all excited. I can't stay long enough so I won't really get to visit with the kids. Mike made a fire in the fireplace. I miss fires, and we went to bed.

Tomorrow I fly to Fort Lauderdale and TJ will pick me up and we will drive back to the Keys.

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