Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2014


I took medicine before I went to bed last night and I think it helped me sleep. Most of the kids went to church for the 9:30 service. Ben stayed at TJ's last night so TJ could get to church early to work. Then Ben brought the kids to church. I'm not sure when Angelica comes back from California. I'll have to ask TJ.

I woke Joe up and he was ready in 5 minutes and we were off to the 11 o'clock service:  me, Tom, Joe, and Charlie. After church Tom, Charlie, and I went to see Garrett. He's starting to fall into his hospital routine and today he was watching TV. I'm not used to watching TV. I've learned you don't talk much when you are watching TV, so it wasn't much of a visit. His friend, Jonathan, showed up so we decided to go home.

As soon as we got home I went straight to bed. I was cold. I never fell asleep but I tried to for about an hour. I gave up, got up, dressed warm, and went to Winn Dixie. Luckily, when I got home the boys hadn't left for hockey yet, so Tommy and Charlie carried the bags up the stairs for me. Also, when I got home, I was too hot and had to change again.

I put groceries away while making spaghetti, sauce, a salad, watermelon, garlic bread, and a chocolate peanut butter cake. The big boys went to hockey in Key West, so I had to feed only 6 people tonight. I was watching Jake and Callie too. 

At 10:30 Tommy loaded the top shelf of the dishwasher for me and I did the rest. I packed a bag of watermelon for TJ to take home. I was so tired and I went to bed.

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