Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 10, 2014


I hoped to walk this morning, but then decided to just get to the hospital as soon as I could. I ate oatmeal and got  ready to go. I started to leave and realized that no one would think to feed Charlie breakfast so I made him some oatmeal. When I'm not home in the morning, I hear in the afternoon, "I'm starving! I didn't get breakfast!" I moved the laundry. Then I was getting in the van when I remembered that I was supposed to bring some paperwork. So I had to go back upstairs again and collect it. I finally left at 10 AM.

Garrett was as motionless as possible because it hurt to move. I could tell he was in a lot of pain, but when the nurse offered him pain medicine, he said he didn't need it. I thought he did. 

A little after 2 I had to go pick up Kurt and drive him to Big Pine. I had him drive. The band had to leave at 4 for their gig at Sunset Grill. I drove back to the hospital. I could tell Garrett was still in a lot of pain. About 5 in the afternoon I asked him what the deal was, why he wouldn't take the pain medication. Turns out, it was because it was in the form of a needle.  I told him to take it and he did. He finally relaxed and fell asleep. I stayed for an hour more. Then Rob picked me up and took me to the Hogfish for dinner. Afterwards, he dropped me off at the hospital and I drove home. 

Tommy was home. He had gone to the movie night at church but Charlie was at Shannon's. I was going to pick Charlie up on my way home but forgot. I texted Bobby and he brought Charlie home for me. 

It was 11 o'clock. Tommy put dishes away for me. The garbage needed to go out. It's usually Garrett's job. There was a lot of cardboard boxes from packages this week. I flattened them all and put it in a pile. Tommy took everything out but the cardboard. All 6 cans were full.

The band came home with Pizza Hut pizza. I made Tom a salad and he ate some leftover Chinese. I read the first chapter of "Farmer Boy" to Charlie and he fell asleep before we finished. 

Tom was stressed and tired and he took it out on Tommy, for eating the fortune cookie that Tom told him not to eat, because Tom was going to eat it. I told Tommy to just let it go. Dad was upset and stressed. He didn't mean everything he said. 

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