Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014


I woke up early with a headache, so I took Excedrin and laid back down wih an ice pack on my forehead. After an hour I got up, did my devos, and went walking. I ran only one lap and walked 5. I've had over a week off. 

Tommy and I went over to TJ's to give him some things he left here and to lend him Tom's hammer. Some critter keeps getting in his garbage. It has a nice, tall fence around it so he added a top. I left Tommy there so TJ could get some work done.

Once home, I did school with Charlie. We finished in time for me to make a salad and steamed broccoli. Then it was time to leave for Sloppy's. Jake and Callie went with us today. We also stopped to see Garrett on the way to drop off some things he wanted.

Jake and Callie were super cute. we forgot Callie's fiddle, but she played Jake's guitar on one song and sang on another. After two sets I didn't think they would make a third. I left with them before the 3rd set. At their house I read them books, cleaned up a little, and knitted. I got home about 12:30 am. 

Looking forward to sleeping. :0)

Isn't this puppy the cutest thing? I want him, but we don't want a dog, so it won't happen. Some lucky person will get him.

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