Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 29, 2014


I woke up around 4 am because it was raining cats and dogs. I had to close windows, and the bookshelf under the windows in the kitchen was getting wet. I had to pull the books off the shelves and spread them out so they could dry. Most of them were ok, but a few the bottom corners were wet. :0(

I overslept again and decided not to walk. Instead I went in the hot tub with Tom and then showered. I made myself pancakes for breakfast. Everyone else had already eaten.  

The boys started school and I put most of the books back on the shelves. I need to take Charlie's iPad away when we go to bed, and hide it, so he doesn't get up and go on it right away. He's not supposed to have it till after his school work is done.

I went over a few math lessons with Garrett, then it was time to get ready for the gig. No time (or lettuce) to make a salad. 

On the way to the gig I read the Omnibus intro to Gilgamesh. Jake came to the gig. He's getting easier to watch at Sloppy's. 

A few of us ordered food from the Cafe on the way home. We dropped off TJ and Jake. I changed Garrett's bandage and went to bed. 

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